Acupuncture 618-223-9735
What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is the art and science of influencing the vital energy of life. Needles, hands or other tools are utilized to stimulate the flow of life energy (qi), nourishing deficiencies and dispersing excesses in order to restore and maintain an optimal, even state of health.
What is Japanese Meridian Therapy Acupuncture?
Meridian Therapy refines acupuncture technique and theory into an elegant, highly focussed modality. Guided by thorough palpitory diagnosis of pulse, abdomen and points; the patient's precise imbalance is pinpointed and corrected. Massage supplements and smooths out treatment. Treatment bolsters and stimulates the patient's inherent healing potential, leaving her/him stronger and more balanced.
How Does Acupuncture Feel?
Most patients are surprised to discover that treatment is virtually painless and actually quite relaxing. While occasionally there may be a slight pricking, tingling or electrical sensation at the moment of insertion, these rare sensations usually disappear within seconds. The sterile, single use needles are a fraction the size of a hypodermic needle and are designed to ensure the patient's comfort.
What Does Acupuncture Treat?
The World Health Organization currently cites acupuncture as effective in the treatment of 43+ conditions, including: Addictions, Allergies, Asthma, Bronchitis, Carpal Tunnel, Chemo Effects, Circulatory Problems, Colds/Flu, Digestive Disorders, Depression, Emotional Issues, Dizziness, Gynecological Issues, Headaches/Migraines, Heart Problems, Hormonal Imbalances, Infertility, Immune Deficiencies, Insomnia, Joint/Muscle Pain, Kidney/Bladder Problems, Sciatica, Sexual Dysfunction, Skin Disorders, Sports Injuries, Tendonitis, Tinnitus, Stress, and many more.
The National Institutes of Health ( has sponsored and/or monitored several studies that have shown the efficacy of acupuncture for numerous conditions.
Acupuncture is the art and science of influencing the vital energy of life. Needles, hands or other tools are utilized to stimulate the flow of life energy (qi), nourishing deficiencies and dispersing excesses in order to restore and maintain an optimal, even state of health.
What is Japanese Meridian Therapy Acupuncture?
Meridian Therapy refines acupuncture technique and theory into an elegant, highly focussed modality. Guided by thorough palpitory diagnosis of pulse, abdomen and points; the patient's precise imbalance is pinpointed and corrected. Massage supplements and smooths out treatment. Treatment bolsters and stimulates the patient's inherent healing potential, leaving her/him stronger and more balanced.
How Does Acupuncture Feel?
Most patients are surprised to discover that treatment is virtually painless and actually quite relaxing. While occasionally there may be a slight pricking, tingling or electrical sensation at the moment of insertion, these rare sensations usually disappear within seconds. The sterile, single use needles are a fraction the size of a hypodermic needle and are designed to ensure the patient's comfort.
What Does Acupuncture Treat?
The World Health Organization currently cites acupuncture as effective in the treatment of 43+ conditions, including: Addictions, Allergies, Asthma, Bronchitis, Carpal Tunnel, Chemo Effects, Circulatory Problems, Colds/Flu, Digestive Disorders, Depression, Emotional Issues, Dizziness, Gynecological Issues, Headaches/Migraines, Heart Problems, Hormonal Imbalances, Infertility, Immune Deficiencies, Insomnia, Joint/Muscle Pain, Kidney/Bladder Problems, Sciatica, Sexual Dysfunction, Skin Disorders, Sports Injuries, Tendonitis, Tinnitus, Stress, and many more.
The National Institutes of Health ( has sponsored and/or monitored several studies that have shown the efficacy of acupuncture for numerous conditions.